Araceae Propagation

Araceae is a common family of plants in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions, and is widely used in petrochemicals, sanitary materials, etc., in addition to ornamental health care. The common conventional propagation techniques of Araceae include propagation by dividing plants, cuttings, and pressed strips, etc. The propagation of these plants has a large individual differentiation and low reproduction coefficient and is restricted by environmental conditions such as climate, season, and land.

Araceae Propagation

However, the tissue culture technology provided by Lifeasible is not limited by the above and can be used to obtain virus-free plants from existing Araceae species and increase the reproduction rate rapidly in a short period of time, and this service can also be used for breeding and promoting the selection of new Araceae species.

  • Culture methods: We generally use organ culture with somatic embryogenesis for the tissue culture of Araceae plants.
  • Explant selection: leaves, petioles, roots, stems, buds, bracts, and inflorescence axes can all be used as explants to differentiate and culture into a complete histoculture seedling.
  • Medium selection: We provide MS, B5, Nitsch, 1/2MS, N6 in the tissue culture of Araceae plants.
  • Other elements: light (blue light, red light, yellow light, white light), BA, NAA, sucrose, activated carbon.

Araceae species whose plants have been obtained by tissue culture

ID Species
1 Spathiphyllum kochii
2 Philodendron erubescens "green king"
3 Philodendron erubescens "red king"
4 Philodendron erubescens "gold king"
5 A. scherzerianum Schott
6 H. occulta Schott
7 Monstera deliciosa Liebm.
8 S. floribundum cv. Clevelandii
9 S. podophyllum Schott
10 P. erubescens C. koch et Augustin
11 P. panduriforme Kunth
12 P. melanochrysum Linden et Andre
13 P. erubescens cv. Red Emerald
14 Z. albo-malulata Baill
15 Z. rehmannii Engl.
16 Z. elliottiana Engl.
17 E. pinnatum Schott
18 E. aureum Bunt.
19 S. floribundum Green Gigant
20 A. pictum cv. Tricolor
21 P. panduriforme kunth
22 A. indica Schott
23 C. bicolor Vent
24 P. erubescens C. koch et Augustin
25 C. bicolor cv. Candidum

* The variety of plants is still being updated, so please contact our staff for the latest list.

We Do Better

The tissue culture characteristics of Araceae vary among different genera and different species (varieties) of the same genus. Lifeasible' professional team has extensive experience in culturing different genera and species of Araceae and can deliver projects with high efficiency and quality. Our tissue culture technology can be used not only for rapid propagation and virus-free seedlings of superior Araceae species but also for germplasm conservation and exchange and variety improvement.

The services provided by Lifeasible cover all aspects of plant research, please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the next research breakthrough.


*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

For research or industrial use.

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