Plant Gene Family Analysis

Gene families originate from the same ancestor and consist of a group of genes that have two or more copies of a single gene through gene duplication, which have significant structural and functional similarities and encode similar protein products. There are three main types of gene duplication: fragment duplication, tandem duplication, and retrotransposition or other transposition events, etc. Gene duplications can form gene clusters with each other, and members of the same family are sometimes arranged closely together in a gene cluster. Most of the time, however, they are scattered at different locations on the same chromosome or exist on different chromosomes, each with a different expression regulation pattern.

Phylogenetic and synteny analysis of HD-Zip proteins

Figure 1. Phylogenetic and synteny analysis of HD-Zip proteins. (Yuan L., et al., 2019)

What We Offer

Lifeasible' platform is equipped with the Biolinux system to download your required genomic data (genome, protein sequences, CDS sequences, gff annotation information) and identify Pfam conserved domains, perform local pooling of genomic (protein) sequences and local Blast matching to identify gene families, use Hmmsearch to identify genes family genes (sequence extraction, screening, identification) and structural analysis of genes in the family (intron/exon, cis-acting element, Motif analysis), including genetic evolution analysis and evolutionary tree beautification of genes in the family, gene doubling and tandem repeat gene analysis and map beautification, covariance analysis between species (inter-species conserved), and finally gene expression analysis of gene families with transcriptome information Gene expression patterns and heat map.

  • Searching for conserved structural domains of gene family members proteins and identifying gene family members.
  • Predicting the cis-acting elements of gene family members.
  • Construction of phylogenetic trees.
  • MOTIF analysis and mapping of gene family members.
  • Analysis of gene structure maps.
  • Mapping of gene positions on chromosomes.
  • MCScanX covariance analysis and mapping of covariance Circos of gene family members within the genome.
  • Calculation of KA/KS for tandem repeat genes.
  • Homology analysis of gene family members for selected other species.
  • Combining transcriptome data to map the expression heat map of this gene family.

We Do Better

  • Gene families are conserved among species, and the gene family analysis service provided by Lifeasible allows us to obtain family genes specific to a species that are potentially associated with that species ' specificity.
  • The multi-species phylogenetic tree constructed by Lifeasible can be used to obtain information on the evolutionary or kinship aspects of species origins and to provide a reference for subsequent genetic manipulation.
  • Lifeasible can mine which genes have undergone significant amplification/contraction in a species, and these changes may be associated with certain strong/weak biological molecular functions in that species. And based on single-copy gene families, the divergence time between species can be estimated.
  • Positive selection during evolution by family gene analysis provided by Lifeasible identifies genes associated with environmental adaptations in that species.


  1. Yuan L., et al.., “Genome-wide characterization and expression profiling of the relation of the HD-Zip gene family to abiotic stress in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).” Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 141: 250-258.

The services provided by Lifeasible cover all aspects of plant research, please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the next research breakthrough.


*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.

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