Label-Free Based Quantitative Plant Proteome Analysis

Both SILAC and iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics research techniques first label proteins and then analyze them using mass spectrometry. Although the amount of quantitative protein information provided is enormous, the labeling reagents are more expensive and the cost per sample is larger, making them more suitable for the quantitative analysis of protein expression changes at the whole proteome level. For relatively simple protein mixtures, such as co-IP samples, the input-output ratio is relatively low. For proteomic studies of certain post-translational modifications, such as ubiquitination studies, the labeling of iTRAQ reagents can have a significant impact on this enrichment process, and therefore it is not possible to use iTRAQ labeling technology to analyze ubiquitinated modifications in tissue samples at the histological level. Label-Free quantitative analysis is a quantitative proteomics technique based on this experimental need. The area of the mass spectrometry peak directly represents the amount of the peptide with the same ionization efficiency during the mass spectrometry analysis, so the relative quantitative information of the protein represented by the peptide can be directly obtained by comparing the area of the mass spectrometry peak of the same peptide.

A label-free quantitative proteomic analysis was carried out to analyze the heat-responsive proteins in ginseng.Figure 1. A label-free quantitative proteomic analysis was carried out to analyze the heat-responsive proteins in ginseng. (So W. K., et al., 2019)

What We Offer

Plant proteomics label-free quantification is the mass spectrometric analysis of proteolytic peptides by liquid-liquid mass spectrometry, without the use of expensive stable isotope labels as internal standards. Compared to iTRAQ, Label-free technology has the advantage of not requiring expensive isotope labels for labeling, requiring less total sample volume and lower cost. label-free technology can be used for high-throughput quantitative comparative analysis of biomarkers screening, protein interactions, and post-translational modifications of proteins.

Lifeasible offers a full suite of Label-Free based quantitative plant proteome analysis services using Q ExactiveHF, Orbitrap Fusion, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platforms combined with Nano-LC. All you need to do is tell us the purpose of your experiment and send us your samples, and we will take care of all project follow-up, including tissue culture, labeling, protein extraction, protein digestion, peptide separation, mass spectrometry, raw mass spectrometry data analysis, and bioinformatics analysis.

Technical Characteristics

  • Simple operation without the need for labeling.
  • The low sample size required, allowing analysis of microscopic samples without sample size limitation.
  • High reproducibility, requiring high stability and repeatability of the experimental operation, with at least three technical or biological replicates.
  • Deep coverage assay dynamic range can reach more than 8 orders of magnitude, improving the efficiency of detection of low abundance proteins.

Service Flow

Service Flow

Sample Requirement

  • Plant tissue >10 mg
  • Protein extract >300 μg

* For plant protein samples identified by mass spectrometry, gloves, and head coverings should be worn during sample preparation to avoid contamination of the sample by your own keratin. Other important notes can be obtained by contacting our staff directly.


  1. So W. K., et al. "Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of Panax ginseng leaves upon exposure to heat stress." Journal of Ginseng Research, 2019, 43(1): 143-153.

The services provided by Lifeasible cover all aspects of plant research, please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the next research breakthrough.


*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

For research or industrial use.

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