Chromatin Remodeling

In eukaryotic cells, chromatin remodeling factors play a critical role in regulating gene transcription and are involved in various important biological processes within the cell. Chromatin remodeling factors regulate chromatin structure by altering the assembly, disassembly, and rearrangement of nucleosomes on chromatin, thereby improving the accessibility of transcription factors locally to their chromatin DNA. Lifeasible can provide you with complex structure analysis, chromosome 3D structure display of core subunit mutants, nucleosome density and distribution assay, and chromatin accessibility assay to help you study the mechanism of chromatin remodeling.

Core activities, relationships, and phases for building a plant cell atlas (PCA) community.

Chromatin accessibility assay and nucleosome density and distribution assay

Chromatin accessibility is defined as the degree to which regulatory proteins can bind an open chromatin region. Chromatin accessibility is closely related to regulating gene expression, developing and differentiating organisms, and environmental response.

Structural analysis

We can help you obtain the electron microscopic structure of chromatin remodeling protein-nucleosome complexes by using our single particle technique of cryo-electron microscopy.

Structural analysis of chromatin remodeling complexes.

Step 1
  • We will prepare single-particle electron microscopy samples by purifying and collecting protein solutions at concentrations ranging from a few microlitres of 50 nM to 5 uM, depending on the sample, the electron microscopy carrier grid, and other conditions of use, to map out the appropriate requirements for single-particle sample preparation.
Step 2
  • At -196 °C, biomolecules in tissues can maintain stability, cellular activity, and tissue microstructure for an extended period, while the tolerance of biological samples to electron irradiation dose is enhanced at low temperatures, and their dewatering and deformation in the high-vacuum environment of the electron microscope tube is resolved.
  • We can offer a fast, simple, reproducible automated sample vitrification preparation process.
  • The ability to freeze-fix samples under constant physical and mechanical conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, hygroscopic conditions, and freezing rate) ensures that biological samples retain their natural conformation at low temperatures.
Step 3
  • Before starting high-resolution data acquisition, we use cryo-electron microscopy to assess the quality of the samples, including, but not limited to, protein concentration, stability and distribution, ice thickness, mass, and homogeneity across the carrier network.
  • Once the samples have been screened, we can use the 300 kV or 200 kV electron microscopes to collect larger amounts of data to help carry out 2D and 3D analyses. Up to < 3Å of data can be acquired at higher sample quality.
  • The ability to perform fully automated data collection operations enables large-scale data acquisition of samples with very high-resolution structural information.
Step 4
  • After collecting tens of thousands of photographs of single particles, the data sets are processed using commonly used 3D reconstruction computational software installed on the platform cluster and relevant biological software.

Chromatin remodeling is important in tissue-specific expression, intranuclear signaling, cell differentiation, and proliferation. With a wide variety of chromatin remodeling factors, complex family membership, and functional diversity, Lifeasible can provide mechanistic insights into the mechanisms of complex assembly, nucleosome recognition, and chromatin remodeling through the analysis of the core catalytic subunits to help you carry out more in-depth studies. Please feel free to contact us to submit your requirements; we have professional engineers to match your project.

The services provided by Lifeasible cover all aspects of plant research, please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the next research breakthrough.


*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

For research or industrial use.

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