Lactic Acid Bacteria Screening Analysis

Lactic acid bacteria can break down carbohydrates in raw materials into lactic acid, resulting in a decrease in the pH value of the product, which on the one hand, inhibits the growth of pathogenic and harmful bacteria, and on the other hand gives the product its characteristic flavor and firm texture. In addition, the production of lactic acid also accelerates the conversion of nitrite to nitric oxide myoglobin, reducing the residual amount of nitrite in the product and promoting the formation of good color. In addition, some lactic acid bacteria produce H2O2 and bacteriocins during the metabolism process, which will further inhibit the growth and reproduction of spoilage and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, the screening analysis of lactic acid bacteria is of great importance for the development of fermented products.

What We Offer

  • Morphological observation

Observation of plate colony characteristics

Optical microscope observation

Electron microscope observation

  • Biochemical identification


Sugar fermentation test

Ammonia production test

Nitrate reduction test

Urease assay

Indole production test

Gelatin liquefaction

  • Chemical classification

Determination of lactic acid optical activity

Determination of diamino heptane dioic acid in the cell wall

Analysis of cell wall peptidoglycan fractions and structure

Bacterial whole protein electrophoresis mapping analysis

  • Molecular biology methods

DNA molecules

Determination of G+ C content

Gene probes

Ribosomal gene sequence analysis

DNA fingerprinting techniques

DNA marker technology

  • Numerical analysis

We used mathematical statistics to convert the characteristics of organisms into quantitative values, then compared the tested strains two by two, and finally borrowed an electronic computer to calculate the total similarity values between strains and list the similarity value matrix or convert it into a dendrogram to understand the relationship between different bacteria.

We Do Better

Lifeasible joins traditional taxonomic methods with new technologies to determine the microorganisms to be identified using multiple tools and methods. We move from a single phenotypic character to polyphasic taxonomy, integrating multiple information of microorganisms such as phenotypic, genotypic, and phylogenetic information, verifying and complementing each other to determine the taxonomic and evolutionary status of microorganisms more comprehensively and rationally. This platform can be used for the description and definition of taxonomic units at all levels.

The services provided by Lifeasible cover all aspects of plant research, please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the next research breakthrough.


*If your organization requires the signing of a confidentiality agreement, please contact us by email.

For research or industrial use.

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