

Coriolus Versicolor (Yunzhi) Extract

Cat# EFP-006
Specification 25 Kg
Unit Barrel
Source It is the fruiting body of the Polyporaceae fungus Coryceps sinensis.
Product Properties This product is tan or brown powder, easily hygroscopic and soluble in water.
Content Polysaccharide content: 10%-40%
Test Method HPLC
Storage Conditions Keep sealed in dry and cool place.
Shelf Life 24 months
Applications Pharmaceuticals, health food
Features Heavy metal index: As<0.3ppm Cd<0.5ppm Pb<1.0ppm Hg<0.2ppm
Hygienic indicators: Bacteria count < 1000/g Escherichia coli and live mites shall not be detected, mold count < 100/g drying weight loss ≤ 9%.
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