

Plant Tissue Stain Kit(PAS-NYS method)

Cat# PSR-010
Specification 3*50 mL
Unit Box
Description Starch in plant tissues and saccharides in cell walls expose aldehyde groups under the action of periodic acid, which combine with Schiff reagent reagent to produce a red reaction, i.e., PAS staining. Proteins in plants are often stored in plant cells in the form of pasty powder particles, which are in a solid state, surrounded by a membrane and enclosed in spherical particles. Naphthol Yellow S forms a yellow complex with the protein. Therefore, PAS staining combined with naphthol yellow can show both starch granules and proteins in plant tissues.
Storage Conditions Store at 2-8℃, protected from light.
Shelf Life 6 months
Applications This product is used to stain proteins and starch granules in plant tissues. After staining, plant starch granules are purple-red, cell walls are purple-red and proteins are yellow.
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