

Plant Tissue Transparent Solution (Fast)

Cat# PSR-018
Specification 100 mL
Unit Bottle
Description In order to better observe the internal structure of plant tissues, a large number of tissue transparency techniques have been developed and applied in the field of plant tissue imaging for observing internal and external pathogens and fluorescent proteins. The commonly used plant tissue transparency methods can be divided into organic solvent-based and aqueous solvent-based transparency methods, among which chloral hydrate is the most commonly used method, but it is not very user-friendly due to its special odor.
Storage Conditions Store at room temperature,away from light.
Shelf Life 6 months
Applications Plant Tissue Transparent Solution (Rapid) adopts an organic solvent-based transparency method with high lipid solubility and high refractive index (RI=1.5), which is an effective alternative to chloral hydrate, and is suitable for the overall transparency of light and thin young leaf tissues, with a short time of transparency, which is usually achieved in 1-3 days; the structure is preserved relatively intact.