

Proteinase K

Cat# PEs-001
Description Protease K (E.C. 3.21.64) is an extracellular serine-endoproteinase produced by Tritirachinm album Limber, which has broad applicability and maintains high reactivity at 20°C-60°C and pH = 7.6-12.0.
Source The protease K gene of Tritirachinm album Limber was expressed in Pichia pastoris and purified in multiple steps.
Specification 10 µl, 24 µL
Content 20 mg/mL
Application EM-seq
Transport Long-distance shipments are made on dry ice, or dry ice combined with ice packs. Do not use ice packs for long-distance transport.
Storage 18 months at 2-8°C, 3 years at -20°C.
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